Financial advisor and partner for women business owners and entrepreneurs
Are you a bad ass woman business owner?
Do you juggle your work family and your blood family?
Do you find it challenging to manage hiring, benefits, and general workday all while looking for your next client?
Welcome to the world of women entrepreneurs!
I walk in your shoes. I can help. I understand you.
With the freedom comes the stress of financial decisions for women business owners. Female entrepreneurs have both incredible freedom to make decisions, but also incredible stress when actually MAKING those decisions. And if you are a solo-preneur, those stresses are even greater. I find that often, when working with female entrepreneurs (you), they play the role of care-giver to an enormous amount of people in their life. You must take care of your employees, your contractors; you take care of your clients, and then you go home to take care of your loved ones and pets. I often wonder if that leaves you enough time to focus on yourself, and my guess is you do not. That is where I come in. I partner with you, the female business owner, as you journey through the growth of your firm.
Are you ready to offer employee benefits?
Let’s work together to choose the ones that make sense for you, the owner, and your employees.
Are you paying yourself first?
Do you make contributions to a retirement account? In the initial phases of business ownership, we often fund IRAs or SEP IRAs. As you grow, we discuss 401ks to decide if that is the right solution. Do you have a partner or multiple owners? If so, have you discussed what happens to the business if there is an untimely health event? That is where insurance based products may be helpful – such as key-person life and key-person disability insurance.
I see 5 common challenges for women business owners.
1. One of the biggest challenges I see in business-owners is the need to attract and retain key employees. Your benefits offerings can often play a large role in how attractive you appear to job-seekers. I work with you to develop a plan for benefits that fits your needs, as the owner, as well as the needs of the employees you are trying to attract.
2. Managing both your business and personal taxes. When you first launch into the world of entrepreneurship, you may find it difficult to know how much to save, how much evaporates in the form of taxes and social insurance premiums, as well as, how much you can pay yourself at the end of the day. We work together through these challenges. I help you communicate and coordinate with your accountant and bookkeeper, so that we are all on the same page, optimizing solutions and opportunities that you may be presented with.
3. Effectively managing short-term cash. Depending on your time horizon of cash needs, we work together to customize your portfolio to address the specific cyclical expenditure, cash flow, and income needs, while availing ourselves of opportunities to enhance yields, given the current market conditions.
4. Building and protecting personal wealth. I’ve seen so many female business owners who throw themselves into growing their business, but fail to dedicate funds for retirement savings. While I can understand and appreciate your hard work and commitment, it is also important to realize that sometimes, in spite of the best planning on our parts, the markets and economies may have other things in mind when it comes time to sell or retire. That is why we will work together to make sure you are saving for retirement outside of the value you create through your business.
5. Planning for business succession. I know this is hard to think about when you are so mired in the present – but it is always great to start with an end in mind, knowing that you’ll have to be flexible in the journey. It is great to have a partner help you stay on track and help you match your long-term goals with your short-term activities.
Do you have your own advisory board?
I usually tell my clients that as soon as you’re an adult, you should have your own advisory board - consisting of an attorney, an accountant, a book keeper, and, of course, a financial advisor.
Have you thought about the structure of your business? Are you a solo, LLC, S-Corp?
Do you have an attorney who can help you choose, and help you create the right entity?
I can help you connect with some options for guidance.
Do you have the right insurance coverages, so that your business is protected, and your personal assets are protected from any potential liabilities or litigation?
As a licensed Property and Casualty insurance agent, I can work with you to find the right levels of coverage that fit your budget.
Working as a team, we will work through every aspect of your professional and personal financial beehive of life, and combine all the pieces in a way that not only reduces your stress, but also allows for increased growth. We start by evaluating all of your income potential, assets, employee benefits, debts, and responsibilities to be sure we have a plan for each. I call this understanding the various honeycombs which comprise your financial beehive. My tools allow me and my clients to see a visual picture, with actual asset values updated daily, so that clients finally have one clear, big picture of where their beehive stands today.
Let’s work on a plan together.
In the same way I work with individuals and families, I work with my business owners. Only this time, their financial hives consist of the various income, assets, liabilities, strengths, and weaknesses of their businesses. I love cultivating my network of other women business owners, and service providers, and really enjoy listening to my clients’ challenges, and then strategizing how to address them. Even if they are not financial related, let’s say, marketing or social media, we will work together to find you some providers that can help you when you need it.
We can help you.
At Green Bee Advisory, we help our clients by working closely with them, and their particular puzzle pieces of the beehive (I call them the individual honeycombs). We may jettison some pieces, reposition others, and incorporate new additions to your hive. In this phase, we are helping you gain clarity as to how your current financial beehive is functioning.
Once we clarify your financial beehive, then we work towards having it work for you – really work for you. YOU are the Queen Bee of your hive. I am there to support and guide you, but you are the Queen.
Together, we’ll help get your financial hive producing honey, preserving your assets (little bees), and launching other projects, dreams, and goals that you may have for your professional and personal lives.
We can do this. Let’s grow your beehive together. Contact me today to discuss how we can work together!