Top Tips to combat Inflation in your budget 🧾
Catherine Valega Catherine Valega

Top Tips to combat Inflation in your budget 🧾

Inflation! 😱 The news outlets are shouting that at every opportunity. The CPI (consumer price index) un-adjusted 12 months ending in June 2022, was 9.1%. (source: This is the highest CPI we’ve seen for 4 decades. So I decided to dive into the figures, to determine some of the KEY drivers of that 9.1%, and see if there are any substitutions or changes to make to spending habits to strive for a lower (personal) inflation rate.

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Financial planning through the decades

Financial planning through the decades

What is the secret sauce to financial planning through the decades? Read on as Catherine Valega, Financial Advisor and partner to her clients help clients from ages 20 - 80. We help you in each stage of your life with budgeting, student loan debt, benefits, insurance, investments, retirement planning and beyond.

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